Announcements At Google I/O

Here are some of the announcements from the Google I/O 2021

Google I/O was filled with lots of announcements and predicted announcements. But here are some announcements from the event

What is Google I/O?

Google I/O is an annual developer conference held by Google in Mountain View, California. “I/O” stands for input/output, as well as the slogan “Innovation in the Open”. The event’s format is similar to Google Developer Day.

Now, Here are some announcements

Android 12

Google Finally Announced The Android 12 Version of Android!! They show the nice new android design and more

Google Wear (Partnered With Samsung)

Google Partnered With Samsung to make a new design for Wear OS. This includes new apps and more

A Digital Car Key

Google Said that they would be offering a digital car key on your Google Pixl.

New features in Password Manager

Google Announced New Features In 

LaMDA (Conversation Model)

Google built a conversation model that could talk smooth and clearly and understand how humans talk. They gave an example acting like Pluto, and it may be used as google assistant in the future

Echo-Friendly / Safer Routing / Live View In Google Maps

Google Wants to make a echo friendly route option in google maps, and also do live viewing, which will let you navigate buildings indoor.

Google Photos: More Control With Your Memories

Google Now Announced That You Can Lock Photos Securely.

They Also Announced Cinematic Photos (Similar To Live Photos On iPhone)

Easier Shopping On Google

At Google I/O 2021, Google announced that they are working with Shopify to make it easier for merchants to feature their products across Google. And for consumers, Google is introducing a new feature in Chrome that will help you “pick up your shopping right where you left off.” When you open a new tab, Chrome will display your open shopping carts from across different shopping sites. On Android, Google Lens in Photos will soon get a “Search inside screenshot” button that will scan things like shoes, t-shirts, and other objects in a photo and surface relevant products.

There were a lot of things talked about in Google’s I/O 2021 Event. To Watch It, Press Play Above